Osaka Optical






Maximum power for computer work

A new reading glasses lens that overcomes the weak points of reading glasses. It is designed to provide clear vision from computer distance to reading distance.

Bifocal lenses are recommended for the following people

1. With conventional reading glasses, I have to get closer to the computer when looking at it, which is inconvenient.
2. Even with intermediate-distance lenses, the hand appears narrower.
3. When the newspaper is placed open on the table and viewed, the article in the back is not visible.
4. The computer monitor at the office is a little too far away to see.

  • Bifocal lenses are recommended for the following people
  • Bifocal lenses are recommended for the following people

Advanced reading glasses

Try the difference in usage from ordinary reading glasses!

Unlike reading glasses that only focus on one distance, these reading glasses allow you to see a little deeper, so you don't have to move your face as close to what you want to see.

Bifocal Lenses Plus "1" Concept

Ideal use of glasses for people over 55 years old with the least fatigue.

The way in which people over the age of 55 deal with spectacles is a little different from when they first started wearing reading glasses or bifocal lenses. Although people who wear bifocals usually have good all-around vision, the narrow field of view of bifocals makes it difficult to see when working on a computer for long periods of time or reading books. This phenomenon is due to the fact that presbyopia in people over 55 years of age is much more advanced than when they were 45 years old.

The solution to this is to complement the weakest part of the visibility.
Bifocal lenses + Intermediate-distance lenses, near-distance lenses, reading glassesThe best way to use the

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