Osaka Optical






Silhouette Purist Collection is in stock now!

The Purist collection of Silhouette, a leading Austrian-made rimless eyeglasses brand, is now in stock.



In recent years, rimless glasses have become less common to see in eyeglass stores, and this is for very inward-looking reasons within the industry.

This is because the lens assembly process takes time and requires processing skills.

By no means has the popularity of rimless glasses waned.



We have heard from many customers who like rimless glasses but cannot find the frames, so we intend to keep a certain number of frames in stock at all times.


Among the many silhouettes we have on offer today is the Purist collection.



The hinges are accented with a special resin, yet the design ensures durability.


The rimless silhouette models we use are largely divided into two types: those with foldable temples and those without foldable temples, but these are the foldable type.



When viewed from the side, the temple portion looks like a single very thin line, but when viewed from above, it has a solid thickness, giving it a very three-dimensional appearance.



Since the rimless spectacles with the lens supported by a pin allow the wearer to choose the shape of the lens as desired, we often receive requests to use the lens mold of other rimless spectacles for the silhouette, which in fact allows for a great degree of freedom in design.


Customers seeking lightness and stability should definitely consider rimless spectacles as well.


Silhouette Purist Collection 50600 yen (tax included)

This article was written by.

Ryoji Osaka

First-class opticianBorn and raised in Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki City. After working for a domestic manufacturer and a foreign IT company, I entered the eyeglass industry. In addition to the eyeglass industry, I enjoy contributing to the local community in Musashi-Kosugi by starting up a local community with my friends and cooperating in shopping district activities.

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